Friday, August 2, 2024

Homestead Happenings August 2024

It's been a hot minute since I've written a blog post. I've been really busy. I have a YouTube channel going. Click here to subscribe. I can always use subscribers, for sure!
Meet Richard, the newest member of Kelpie Kapers Farm. Richard was shot in the leg and his original human left him with a broken leg for a couple of weeks, at least. My amazing friend, Tracy, found him and did the right thing by contacting the owner who, basically, told her that they didn't care. Tracy took him to the vet with what she thought was a broken leg. That's when she learned about him being shot. Anyhow, the only option they had was to amputate it. She said that she needed to find him a home and we said that we could do that. That is how Richard came to be with us. He's a cute little squirt.
Rose thinks she's an honorary goose or something!
The blackberries are coming on. We'll put several gallons into the freezer for the birds.
I have no idea of what the red flowers are. Maybe cosmos? The yellow ones are definitely calendula.
The cabbage is coming along nicely!
These tomatoes are producing tons of blooms!
The jalapeno plants are going to really put out a crop of peppers!
Black Milo heirloom tomato
Fruit bushes that were rooted from cuttings that will be going in ground next spring.
These geese are a never-ending source of entertainment!
The big raised bed, behind the greenhouses, is where we planted out pattypan squash and pumpkins. We did have a zucchini out there but Bob had to yeet it. It got downy mildew. As a matter of fact, 2 of the 3 zucchini that I got from Wilco succombed to downy mildew. I won't be making that mistake again. If I need to buy starter plants, I'll buy them from the little store up the road from us. They sold us some very healthy starts.
Dragon Tongue beans!
Main garden as of this morning! Thanks for taking the tour!