Thursday, October 28, 2021

Penzey's Spices Gift Card Giveaway

 Don't forget to get your extra entries in for the $50 Penzey's Spices gift card giveaway that ends on November 11th.
Unfortunately, Penzey's is not shipping out of the country, so this contest is only open to US residents. I am not being sponsored by Penzey's. I just like the company and thought I would buy a gift card and give it away.

You must be signed up to follow this blog. You must comment. That counts as one entry. You can also get an extra entry for every person that you can get that signs up to follow The RV Homestead, as well, so share this with your friends and on your social media pages.

Good luck!

Friday, October 22, 2021

Big Changes Are Coming & A Giveaway




I just want to let everyone know that we have some major changes coming up soon.

I'm happy to announce that Bob and I are coming to the end of RV park living.

After a dozen years, we've had enough of nosy neighbors watching our every move. We are done with the gossip mongers. We're just done with the whole works. The cherry on the top of this mess was when a neighbor went completely off their rocker because my sister came over and I gave her some of my garden produce. This neighbor started screaming and calling my husband names and acting absolutely ridiculous. Apparently,  they thought they should have gotten any extra produce just because they gave me a few broken down raised beds that they were going to throw out anyhow. What this neighbor neglected to mention is that I had already sent up 4 big grocery bags of produce to them. It was, quite seriously, something that a restraining order could have been issued over.
I'll not have neighbors spying on who I have come over to my home and what I give them. It's none of their business. The creepiness factor just takes it to a completely new level and I'm not going to live where I'm uncomfortable just going out my door because some weirdo is spying on me and what I'm doing. Just no.

We are moving onto acreage. A lot of acreage.  Nobody will be there.
I'll be able to have chickens. I'll be able to have a few ducks. I'll be able to raise some rabbits and we could raise meat pigs, if we wanted.
The sky is the limit.
There's even an established apple orchard there.

This place is out in the country, at the end of a 1/3-mile private driveway, at the end of a dead-end road. No neighbors. None. This is what my concept of heaven looks like. Our dogs can run. The cats will have a big catio that they can play in. This is a great thing and we couldn't be happier. This also means that my garden area just got exponentially bigger, too. I'm looking into getting a 20-foot high tunnel/greenhouse...whatever you want to call's on Amazon for a couple hundred bucks.

Yes, we're moving this trailer up there and we're taking the canopy. The outbuilding will remain here, most likely, as it looks to be a pain to move it. Our shed will go, of course, and all my raised beds and so forth. It will take us a while. We are already planning on having a group of people come over to get this canopy down.

Wish us luck!

Now, on to the other part of this blog post.

I have a $50 Penzey's Spices gift card that I want to give away to one of you guys that are signed up to follow The RV Homestead. Here's the catch. You must be signed up to follow this blog. That will get you one entry. If you comment, you'll get an extra entry. If you can get your friends to sign up to follow this blog, you'll get an extra entry for each one that signs up to follow me.

I'll announce the winner on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at noon, Pacific Standard Time. Winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter.
*This contest is only open to USA residents as Penzey's Spices has a limited shipping area.
I also want everyone to know that I am not sponsored by Penzey's Spices at all. I paid for this gift card so that I could give it away. This is not a sponsored post.

Good luck.