Showing posts with label full-time RV living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full-time RV living. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

What We've Been Up To Lately On Kelpie Kapers Farm

I haven't forgotten about this blog. I have just been super busy with things these past several months. Our little farm has expanded. While I wasn't able to get the all the tomato and pepper starter plants out for sale like I wanted, I was able to make a bit of money this year. I wasn't able to quite break even as we had to haul in all new soil If you remember, the last time I blogged, I had grown out 62 tomato varieties. We tore down our tomato garden. It used to look like this:
That is no longer there. We put in a raised bed garden and this is what it looks like now:
We have a total of 6 beds. 4 of them are 2x4 ft., 1 is 3x6ft. and the big one is 4x12 ft. We put a cattle panel down the middle. It works well to trellis tomatoes up. I'm only growing 26 tomato plants this year. We've added to our farm family. We expanded our birds to include:
We have Embdens and African geese. The Embdens are the white ones. We have Georgie, Leonard, Sheldon, Penny and Amy Farrah Fowler. But wait, there's more! Several weeks ago, on the NextDoor app, I had a gentlemen, from my local area, DM me and ask if we were missing a peacock. I told him no, I wasn't, but I would be more than happy to give it home if he couldn't find the owners. He looked for two weeks and nobody claimed this peahen, so he got back in touch with me and told me to have Bob run up and get her. So, we brought Nila, our Blue India peahen home.
Nila got to spend a few days in the greenhouse while Bob built her enclosure. We figured Nila was pretty lonely, so I joined a peafowl group on Facebook. I got in touch with a lady, from north of Centralia, who sold us Nila's boyfriend, Fred. They called him Pretty Boy, but I wasn't going to call him that. I tried all sorts of cool sounding Hindi names on him and he chose Fred, so Fred he is. Fred is a pied Blue India, so he's a rare.
There's no two ways about it, Fred is, indeed, a pretty boy, but his name is Fred. With him being a pied, Nila has a chance at producing an all-white offspring. White peacocks are the rarest. We're hoping to get one. We could also end up with a black peacock. It's really weird how these genetic color mutations work with peafowl. Quite interesting stuff, if the truth is told. So, Bob and I haven't jumped ship or anything. We've been busy with our farm and YouTube channel. You can subscribe by clicking here. We still have the chickens, turkeys and guineas. We're teaching the geese to graze in the yard and stay there. It's hilarious watching Bob herd them. I'll try not to go so long in between posts next time.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Homestead Happenings End of June 2023

 We've had some things go on around here on Kelpie Kapers Farms lately. First off, let's talk about poultry. Our flock is growing up fast. We did wind up with a rooster. Twice it's got a guinea fowl by the neck. Today, Bob took a stick to it. It's been pretty docile ever since. Bob didn't hurt it at all, but he did scare it and that's just what it needed. It was pretty comical watching him swat it in the butt with that stick, though. I'm not even going to pretend anything different. It needs to learn that it cannot attack the guineas.

The black and white bird is the rooster. From what everyone is telling me, he is a Barred Rock. I'll be honest in saying that it bums me out because he was supposed to be an Olive Egger. Apparently, I only have one of those now.

Here he is guarding his flock. I've been calling him Walter. I don't know why. He just looks like a Walter to me.

This is one of my favorite chickens. This is one of the Copper Dominants. These are the ones that lay those deep, rich, chocolate colored brown eggs. 

The Copper Dominants and the Novogens. Novogens lay dark brown eggs, as well.

Two Copper Dominants, an Americaunas and a couple of the guinea fowl.

This is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

This is the Gold Laced Wyandotte. It's a pretty gentle bird.

All in all, I would have to say that I think this flock is pretty happy. I know that our run is plenty big enough for them all, as well.

For the most part, they coexist well with each other.

One of the Americaunas on top of the kennels that we put in there for shelter.

The Novogens have discovered the roosts that we put up.

My little turkeys are growing up. They are quite hilarious when they try to flex and show who is the boss. We let them go at it and watch for blood. If there's blood, we will have to separate that bird until it heals or the others will go at it until they kill it. Chickens act like little raptors, after all.

Here are the guinea keets. I've named them Heckle, Jeckle and Freckle. They should start letting me know if they are male or female fairly soon. Females will make a 2 syllable sound much like "buck wheat". Males are one syllable. Females can imitate a male but a male cannot imitate a female.

These turkeys are so friendly and like to be around Bob so much that we've dubbed them Turkey Puppies. They are Broadbreasted Whites. I would like to get some more turkeys, but I'd like to get some heritage varieties. These were developed for meat production. We'll let them go as long as we can, but they will wind up in the freezer.

Here are the two little toms fighting for who is the boss.

Our friend, Cody, got a new puppy. Koda is an 11 week old Siberian Husky. He brought Koda over to introduce him to us and to Rose. He and Rose just played and played. We are looking for a new brother for Rose now. I've put out a few inquiries about adopting a couple of dogs in the herding class. I figure that out of all the inquiries, one should, at least, pan out for us.

Cody has chickens, so Koda knows about them.

Isn't he the cutest little squirt??

Moving on from the birds and the cute puppy, I've gotten my first tomatoes on the plants. A couple of Heinz varieties and the Cream Sausage have set fruit.

I wound up with 62 plants out on the trellis.

The squash and cucumbers are growing right along. We felt okay putting these out into the raised beds because, for whatever reason, the deer and rabbits leave them alone.

Deciding to grow the peppers in the greenhouse is one of the best decisions, as far as gardening, that I've ever made.

The eggplant are growing well, too. Some better than others, but I do hope to get eggplant this year.
I want to make my own Baba Ganoush. I love that stuff!

This eggplant has far exceeded my expectations. The seeds came from Baker Creek. I think, going forward, I'll use only Baker Creek as my source for eggplant seeds.

Just look at how healthy those peppers are!!

They are setting blooms and...

Margaret's is the first to set fruit!

These are the first successful peppers that I've ever grown out from seed. I'll be really expanding what I grow next year, as far as peppers. I've already started trading seeds for new varieties.

This is what has been going on around here lately. That and we've had some pretty spectacular looking deer that have been hanging out. This guy...I can't even! LOL!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

I Call Fowl!!

 It's time for an update on our poultry. I'm happy to report the chickens are now out of the coop. Today was their first day out. Today, coincidentally, is the day that we got our turkey chicks and guinea fowl. We got 3 of each. I gave a guy some tomato plants and he gave me back birds in return. I can hang with that.

I haven't been able to get out to see the girls much since we brought them home. Today, this is what I was looking at. They all looked to have all their feathers, so I told Bob to toss them outside and clean the coop out. It was pretty bad in there.

So, all that gross junk is gone. The chickens can now come and go as they choose.

Today, these guys showed up. The white ones are turkeys and the others are guinea fowl.

All 15 Henriettas love being out. They were so cramped in that coop, even though it's pretty big inside.

They are loving getting explore their new world.

This is one of our turkey kids.

You can definitely tell that they have "cliques". There are some of the chickens that really hang together in definite groups. 

The turkeys and the guineas hang out together. It's like having little gangs in the chicken 'hood.

Rose keeps them all rounded up. She's a pretty good guard dog.

Rose patrols the perimeter, looking for birds trying to escape.

They've discovered their wings. 

They've learned about the roosts.

Now, they are eating and  drinking from their new feeders and waters. We put a wading pool in there and added in some dirt so that they can take dust baths.

Tonight will their first night without a heat lamp.
Wish us luck!