We drove up to the new property yesterday. This photo was taken when it was a bit warmer out, of course, but this is the apple orchard.
The guy, who was there before, had raised meat pigs. He had a boar and this was where he kept his boar. I'm going to turn this area into my chicken run.
Our pigs will be pasture raised. I'm grateful that he left this pig area up. All we need to do is get the box and a battery to turn on the electric fence.
That trailer has been sold and it just needs to be removed. That is where our canopy and fifth wheel will go.
We have all this area. I want to turn a good chunk of it into garden spaces.
All of this area will have raised beds. I want to put my herb garden where I don't have to walk very far to utilize it.
This is where we will put a hot water tank and a washer and dryer. Yes, we will be buying a set, for sure! It is too far to run to the laundromat every week.
That is a beautiful deck, but it will have to be moved. We're not sure if the person who bought the trailer has bought that, too, or not. If not, we'll move it out a bit and we'll set up an outdoor dining area. I can put cute little pots of trailing flowers at each corner. It will be cute.
These terraced gardens are really cool. There are a ton of strawberry plants. I'm going to need a couple of ducks for slug patrol.
My lavender plant will join a couple of lavender friends.
So there's a better look at where we are moving to. I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Now, onto my seed list. I'm taking on a huge project here, but I want to be self sufficient, this coming summer, as far as produce goes. I also want to be self sufficient through the winter, too.
Heirloom Tomatoes
*Julia Child
*Great White
*Zena's Gift
*Alice's Dream
*Broad Ripple
*Orange Jazz
*Mushroom Basket
*Principe Borghese
*Girl Girl's Weird Thing
*Amana Orange
*Barlow Jap
*Green Ghabdan's Danish Orange
*Vintage Wine
*Moonlight Mile
*A Grappoli D'Iverno
*Pit Viper Dwarf
*Amish Paste
*Groovy Tunes
*Egg Yolk
*Red Beefsteak
*Clay Family Red Cherry
*Sart Roloise
*Dancing With Smurfs
*Oregon Spring
*Campbell's 1327
*Kentucky Beefsteak
*Dr. Wyche's Yellow
*Old German
*Kaleidoscope Jewel
*Yellow Pear
*Red Ruby
*The Thong
*Snow White Cherry
*Red Charcoal
*Heaven Oregon
*Join Or Die
*Kazachka Cherry
*Stripes of Yore
*Pink Egg
*Kentucky Yellow/Orange Slicer
*Super Steak
*Pork Chop
*Delta Dawn
*Marge's Polish Pride
*Sgt. Pepper
*Rose Beauty
*Red Pear
*Northern Lights
*Zebra Rita
*Gold Pearl Micro Dwarf
*Xanadu Green Goddess
*White Wax
*Mortgage Lifter
*Red River
*Marianna's Peace
*Mix (Roma, San Marzano & Rio Grande)
*Amethyst Jewel
*Cereza Amarilla
*German Queen
*Black Krim
*Big Rainbow
*Black Sea Man
*Isis Candy Cherry
*Red Dumplin Winner Pink
*Iva's Red Berry
*Lille Lise
*Solar Flare
*Sub-Arctic Plenty
*Aussie Pink
*Hawaiian Current
*Rebel Alliance
*Black Dragon
*Nina's Heirloom
*Pink Yellow Stripe
*Cherokee Purple
*Aunt Ruby's German Green
*Lemon Boy
*Matt's Wild Cherry
*Georgia Slicer
*Lavender Lake
*Green Zebra
*Black Beauty
*Cosmic Eclipse
*Midnight Snack
*Dr. Caroline's Cherry
*Black Pear
*Brad's Atomic Grape
*Bulls Heart Red
*Indigo Pear Drop
*Blue Berries
*Thorburn's Terra Cotta
*Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye
*Red Crystal
*Malachite Box
*Landreth's Surprise
*Speckled Roman
*Paul Robeson
*Parpl Tippi
*Tanya's Pink Pod
*Tongues of Fire
*Blooming Prairie
*Unknown brown variety that I grew out that was mislabeled
*Unknown grey variegated variety that I grew out that was mislabeled
*Arapaho Fish Hill
*Watkdnono'saingwimr'd (Yellow Dog Belly)
*Purple Podded Pole
*Red Yard Long
*Green Yard Long
*Coco Rose De Prague
*Flood Pole
*Haricot Dolique
*Scarlet Emperor
*Broad Windsor Fava
*Dragon Tongue
*Dixie Speckled
*Old Joe Clark
*Robert Hazelwood
*Sacre Bleu
*Black Nightfall
*Dapple Grey
*Seneca Cornstalk
*Senate Soup Navy
*Chester (Skunk)
*Tonawanda Strawberry
*Plus De Soleil
*Greasy Grits
*Kabouli Black Garbanzo
*Extra Precoce A Grano Violetto Fava
*Cherokee Trail of Tears
*Hobbs Goose
*Chickpea (Garbanzo)
*Chinese Red Noodle
*Slippery Silks
*Sweet Bonnet (hot)
*Peperone di Senise
*Liebesapfel (Candy Apple)
*Dulce Rojo
*Ljubovs Dlan
*Rdeca Spic
*Ros de Mallorca
*Yaglik Biber Salacalik
*Sweet Cherry
*Hong Gochu
*Early Jalapeno
*Brazilian Starfish
*Calabrian Hot
*Sweet Ratunda
*Jimmy Nardello
*Rezha Macedonian Hot
*Sugar Rush Hot
*Lemon Balm
*Tulsi Basil
*Sweet Basil
*Garlic Chives
*Florence Fennel
*Lime Basil
*Bouquet Dill
*Sweet Thai Basil
*Giant Italian Parsley
*Dill, unknown variety
*Parsley, unknown variety
*German Chamomile
*Borage (blue)
*Cinnamon Basil
*Garden Chives
*Single Parsley
*Clary Sage
*Persian Basil
*Lettuce Leaf Basil
*Borage (white)
*Mammoth Long Island Dill
*Provence French Summer Thyme
*Giant of Italy Parsley
*Anise Hyssop
*Dwarf Lemon Cilantro
*Zloty Lan Chamomile
*Comprido Verde Claro (orange)
*Japanese White Egg
*Listada di Gardia
*Petch Siam
*Ping Tung
*Eastern Prince
*Golden Eggs Indoor
*Sugar Snap
*Tom Thumb
*Mixed (from what I grew last year, including Spring Blush)
*Carouby De Maussane
*Sugar Magnolia Tendril
*Oregon Sugar Pod II
*Cascadia Snap
*Easy Peasy
*Sugar Daddy
Lettuces/Salad Greens:
*Castelfranco Radicchio
*Mixed Lettuce (from what fell out of the packages that I planted)
*Mesclun Mix
*Drunk Woman Frizzy Head
*Mache Corn Salad
*Marville Des 4 Saisons
*Parris Island Cos
*Landis Winter
*Chinese Narrow Leaf
*Butter King
*Bronze Beauty
*Saguine Ameliore
*Brune Percherone
*Malabar Spinach
*Mangold Alyy Chard
*Matador Spinach
*Strawberry Spinach
*New Zealand Spinach
*Yellow Mangel Beets
*Chioggia Beets
*Golden Detroit Beets
*Detroit Dark Red Beets
*Golden Beets
*Ruby Queen Beets
*Nokhovskaya Beets
*Giant Noble Spinach
*Michili Cabbage
*Golden Acre Cabbage
*Chinese Yod Fah Broccoli
*Spring Rapini Broccoli Rabe
*Chinese Chirimen Hakusai Cabbage
*Rosella Brussels Sprouts
*Calabrese Broccoli
*Violaceo Di Verona Cabbage
*Shanghai Green Choy
*Purple Vienna Kohlrabi
*Delicacy White Kohlrabi
*Beni Houshi Mizuna
*Early Mibuna
*Pac Choi
*Granaat Chinese Cabbage
Root Veg:
*Purple Top Turnip
*Gold Ball Turnip
*Shogoin Turnip
*Zlata Radish
*Rainbow Blend Carrot
*Little Finger Carrot
*White Icicle Radish
*French Breakfast Radish
*Uzbek Golden Carrot
*Parisian Carrot
*Pusa Jamuni Radish
*Longue Rouge Sang Carrot
*Chinese Red Meat Radish
*Gniff Carrot
*Pink Glitter Daikon Radish
*Pusa Gulabi Radish
*Giant Red Carrot
*Kyoto Red Carrot
*Hida Beni Turnip
*Parisienne Carrot
*Purple Top Rutabaga
*White Egg Turnip
*Black Spanish Radish
*Chinese Shawo Fruit Radish
*Japanese Wasabi Radish
*Bottle Gourd
*Rocky Ford Cantaloupe
*Arctic F1 Cucumber
*Early Crookneck Summer Squash
*Korean Melon
*Svitozar Zucchini
*Boston Pickling Cucumber
*Marketmore 76 Cucumber
*Birdhouse Gourd
*Waltham Butternut Squash
*Fanfare Cucumber
*Pattison-Panache Jaune Et Vert Scallop Squash
*Iran Squash
*Parisian Pickling Cucumber
*Red Kuri Squash
*Baby Pam Pie Pumpkin
*Table Queen Acorn Squash
*White Bitter Melon
*Balcony Swallowtail F1 Cucumber
*Jealous Neighbor F1 Cucumber
*American Tondo Pumpkin
*Calabash Bottle Gourd
*Pineapple Squash
*Zucchino Rampicante Squash
*Kajari Melon
*Luffa Gourd
*Fordhook Zucchini Squash
*Ronde De Nice Zucchini Squash
*Siamese Bitter Melon
*Chinese Python Snake Bean Gourd
*Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber
*Rich Sweetness Melon
*Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe
*African Marigold
*Snow Princess Calendula
*Melba Peach Double Nasturtium
*Coral Glitter Nasturtium
*Double Gold Nasturtium
*Kroshka Double Nasturtium
*Royal Robe Nasturtium
*Orient Mix Zinnia
*Jerusalem Gold Hybrid Sunflower
*Candy Cane Mix Zinnia
*Classic Artistic Mix Bachelor Button
*Yeti Nasturtium
*Pink Surprise Calendula
*Tip Top Alaska Salmon Nasturtium
*Tall Trailing Nasturtium
*Alaska Red Shades Nasturtium
*Tower Custom Mix Aster
*White Single Clitoria
*Mixed Zinnia
*Orange Cosmos
*Mixed Marigolds
*Oklahoma Mix Zinnia
*Love In A Mist
*Peppermint Stick Zinnia
*Single Blue Clitoria
*Blue Double Clitoria
*Red Cardinal Vine
*Dwarf Yellow Snapdragon
*Rose Campion
*Lilliput Zinnia
*Tower Purple Aster
*California Giant Zinnia
*Pink Mix Zinnia
*Cactus Zinnia
*Cupid Mix Zinnia
*Mixed Snapdragon
*Gumdrop Zinnia
*Thumbelina Zinnia
*Out Of Africa Nasturtium
*Blanket Flower
*Shasta Daisy
*English Daisy
*Black Oil Sunflower
*Pink Dandelion
*Japanese White Dandelion
*Purple Emperor Nasturtium
*Strawberry Blonde Calendula
*Chinese Wool Flower
*Zeolights Calendula
*Fiesta Gitana Calendula
*Hungarian Blue Bread Poppy
*Passion Flower
*Purple Balloon Flower
*Blue Disc African Daisy
*Freckles Viola
*Brush Strokes Viola
*King Theodore Nasturtium
*Bloody Mary Nasturtium
*Lime Zinnia
*Bright Orange Zinnia
*Mixed Dwarf Zinnia
*Canary Nasturtium
*Bronzed Beauty Calendula
*Tetra Mix Snapdragon
*Mongolian Giant Sunflower
*Yellow/Orange Mix Calendula
*Teddy Bear Sunflower
*Toothache Plant
*Persian Carpet Zinnia
*Rainbow Mix California Poppy
Other Misc. Garden Seeds:
*Red Shiso
*Green Shiso
*Red Orach
*Old Tokyo Komatsuna Spinach Mustard
*Red Russian/Ragged Jack Kale
*Blue Scotch Curled Kale
*Pink Plume Celery
*Okra (unknown variety)
*Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale
*Premier Kale
*Chijimisai Chinese Greens
*Pascal Celery
*Chinese Pink Celery
*Jing Orange Okra
*Morris Heading Collards
*Clemson Spineless Okra
*Green Wave Mustard
*Granaat Chinese Cabbage
*Orchard Baby Corn
*Tokyo Long White Bunching Onions
*Mavka Onion
*Onion (unknown variety)
*Red Beard Bunching Onion
*Green Calaloo Amaranth
*Verde Tomatillo
*Yellow of Parma Onion
*Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth
*Golden Giant Amaranth
*Lion's Mane/Tail (not sure what this is. Obtained in a trade. I always thought that these were mushrooms)
*Etiole Jaune Alpine Strawberry (yellow)
*Metsa Muinasjutt Strawberry
*King Richard Leeks
*Elephant Head Amaranth
*Brightest Brilliant Quinoa
*True Potato Seeds
Am I being overly ambitious? Yes. But, I can always store seeds that I won't be using in the freezer for another year.
Let me know in the comments if I'm missing anything. Make sure that you have signed up to follow The RV Homestead and share with your friends.
I'm giving away a $50 Penzey's Spices gift card on November 11th.
You can read the details here.
Hopefully, I'll have an update soon as to the actual move date. Right now, I don't have that available.
So, make sure to get entered for the giveaway and let me know if I'm missing anything in the garden.