Thursday, May 26, 2022

How I Buy Ribeyes For The Summer For Under $100

 Memorial Day is just a few days away. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make this year, but I knew that two of our local supermarkets were having hellacious Memorial Day sales according to their fliers.

At Safeway, value packs of bone-in rib steaks were on sale, via digital deal, for $4.97 per pound, with a limit of 1. Whole racks of pork ribs were on sale, via digital deal, for 97 cents per pound, limit of 1 and Signature Select ice cream was 17 cents per half-gallon, again, with a limit of 1.

I jumped onto Safeway and created Bob a profile with his phone number. There was no way that we weren't going to double up on these sales.

I also saw that corn on the cob was 3 for $1, with a limit of 6. I decided that we would only get 6 ears of corn. We can only eat just so much corn and 3 meals worth for $2 is not a bad price, in my opinion.

Then, I looked at Fred Meyer. Safeway (we have 3 Safeway locations in the twin cities area that I live in) has a location just across the street from Fred Meyer, so we decided we would go to that location.

Fred Meyer had their bone-in rib steaks on sale for $5.97 per pound, with a limit of 2, with an online coupon that I added. We opted to not double up on things at Fred Meyer. FM, weekly, has this deal that if you buy five things from their list of certain items, you get a $1 off of each one. Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce was included in that. We stocked up and bought 5 to get the deal. We also had a $13 credit on our Fred Meyer account because they screwed up on our previous pickup order. So, we only got 1 of the Fred Meyer deals, but we did limit out. We can only eat just so much steak and bone-in rib steaks are our favorite cut off the cow.

There was a total of 10 bone-in rib steaks. Between the 10 steaks, we got 15.49 pounds. Stay tuned to the end of the post as to what our total was on just the steaks and what the total amount was that we spent today stocking up for this summer.

I found that the Fred Meyer steaks were better trimmed than the Safeway ones were.

The Fred Meyer packs had 2 steaks in them. The Safeway ones had 3.

I picked up the burger to make into Salisbury steaks tonight for dinner.

We picked out the 2 largest racks of ribs that Safeway had. I think I'll put one in the crock pot for Memorial Day, but I'm not writing it in stone.

Here are our receipts.

The total amount we spent on bone-in rib steaks today was $80.84. We got 10 steaks total and they were a combined weight of 15.49 pounds. Keep in mind that Bob and I split a steak. We cannot eat that much meat. These steaks make 2-3 meals for us as I make fried rice the leftover meat and soup with the leftover bones. Beef and barley soup using those grilled bones is amazing.
We got 2 half-gallons of ice cream and paid 17 cents each for them.
We got 2 racks of pork ribs that weigh over 12 pounds total for a grand total of $12.23.
I got 6 ears of corn for $2.
I also bought just under a pound of asparagus for $1.70.
5 bottles of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce were $4.95.
And then we got a few items not on sale but needed for the house like half and half.

Our grocery grand total, from both stores, all 3 transactions, was $101.29.

We are set for grilling season! Bring on summer!

**I am not compensated by any of these companies or products listed.


  1. Some great buys there! Our Kroger had coleslaw .97 with card
    and e-coupon and asparagus for 1.79 lb with card. I got 3 lbs. of asparagus since I had good luck freezing them. Babybacks were 2.99 lb. with card and I had two mailer coupons for 1.60 off each. The ribeyes here were boneless 9.97 lb. with card and then 7.97 with digital coupon. Had to pass on them because there was way too much fat. Also, when I do the survey there will be .30 off fuel price for this month.

    1. Anymore, $8 per pound isn't a bad price!

    2. Very informative. Thank you!

  2. I'm jealous we don't have those stores here. Those are some good scores, especially with meat prices the way they are. I have tons of pork but very little beef or chicken now.

    1. We're the opposite. We have a ton of chicken, a little pork and not much beef other than burger.

  3. Excited to cook on Memorial Day!…we don’t have room for a lot of meats and we have three freezers,a 🥶. One is a stupid skinny side by side and about 18” wide ( about, I haven’t actual measured it) Memorial Day it’s actually our anniversary but the hubs prefers a good BBQ over a fancy restaurant… I’m a little different. 😅. Gonna make ribs I’m thinking! Love the Sweet Bbay Rays sauce too..

  4. Sorry I didn’t spell check this and hit publish early… 😳

  5. I'm hoping to grab more corn and the ice cream.

    1. I got the limit of 6, if that helps.

  6. I need to move to your area. We never have sales like that.

    1. We get zinged in other areas, like housing costs.

  7. You made out with the savings.


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