Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Garden Update, March 2022

 It's that time of year again when I do a garden update. My garden is still very roughed out. We still have several yards of soil to haul in. We still have trellises to get up and we still have potted stuff to plant out. But here is where we are, as far as gardening.

This is my mystery brassica. I have no idea of exactly what it is, but I do know that it is a member of the brassica family. I'm leaning toward some type of kale. I know that the bugs sure do like it. I'll leave it there for them to eat.

This is one of the 3 honeyberry bushes that were gifted to me by our old neighbor from the RV park. They are a couple of years old, from what I was told, and there are supposed to be 3 different varieties. I'll wait and see what they look like.

I always need to have some flowers. I picked these up today. They please me.

This was the huge raised bed that the previous person left here when they moved out. Of course, I can totally put it to use. I planted it out with cabbage, broccoli and 3 types of beets.I'll finish it off with a row of dwarf peas and some Walla Walla onions.

Egyptian Walking Onions. I'm still thinking on where I can permanently plant these. They need to be in a contained area where they can spread out.

Lavender and oregano from the previous resident here. This in the terraced garden.

This is my rosemary bush that I've been growing for several years (at least 5 or 6). 

This is my asparagus bed and raspberry patch. I have red, gold and black in there so far. I'm supposed to be getting some purple ones, but they haven't shown up yet. We'll see if the person comes through.

The cinder block raised bed is still a work in progress. It will be home to zucchini, bush watermelon, bush beans, amaranth and quinoa. 

Raised bed planted with radishes, turnips and cilantro.

Potato bed. 





 This part of the garden is set up and planted out, for the most part.

This year, I'm doing something new for me. This is my grow light.

I'm starting tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos and eggplant from seed this year. I'm excited! In my area of the country, there's not a huge heirloom tomato variety. Now, the sky is the limit.

These guys were all started on March 24th. Today is the 29th. Some of these have come up quickly!

I plan on growing 30 tomato plants, 4 tomatillos, 16 eggplant and 72 pepper plants. I did plant out multiples of a few varieties.

These are fig cuttings that were just dipped in rooting hormone today and set into the shower. It's the safest and warmest place for them and there's a skylight in there for plenty of light. There are 2 types of figs in there. We're not sure if they will take or not. The person who sent them didn't  know how to take cuttings. No matter. I did buy a fig tree and it's planted and doing well.

I did a bit of horse trading for fruit cuttings this year. I have Pink Lemonade blueberry bushes, so I traded cuttings for several different things. There's Concord grapes, gooseberries and 3 colors of currants: red, white and black. I just need pink, I believe. These are all doing absolutely fantastic!

That's pretty much it for March's garden update here on Kelpie Kapers Farm. I hope you enjoyed virtual tour!


  1. Wow Laurie, you have a lot going on this Spring! My mom would love the figs! Good luck with your gardening, you certainly have inspired me to get started!

    1. There's, hopefully, going to several fig trees/bushes. I plan on keeping them pruned down. I think there's going to be 3 different varieties when I'm done. I also want to try to make my own sugar from sugar beets.


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